Marble Amber – Somatic Embryogenesis for Disease-free Sugarcane

The is the first in a series of presentation  which were presented at the Agricultural Research and Variety Testing Unit’s recently concluded seminar.  Each of the presentation will be looking at technological solutions for solving existing problems in Barbados agriculture.

This presentation specifically looks at the use of somatic embryogenesis, a type of tissue culture, and a possible avenue for large scale production planting material free from Ratoon Stunting Disease a wide spread problem locally


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About Andrew Stoute

Dr. Stoute obtained his PhD in Plant Biology from the University of Reading in 2009 working on photoperiodic control of flowering. He then took Post-Doctoral Researcher position at Rothamsted Research working on the developmental factors around parental regulation of seed size in oilseed rape (canola). He joined the staff of the West Indies Central Sugar Cane Breeding Station in 2011 as the Plant Geneticist, responsible for performing crosses from extensive germplasm collection to provide clients with improved sugarcane varieties. He also develops systems and programs to aid in the selection of the best parental material for those crosses.

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