The Council of the BSTA recently passed a resolution expressing concern about the lack of information being present to be the public regarding the proposed Cahill Water to energy plant and the Multipurpose sugar factory. Find the full text below.


WHEREAS the Cahill Waste to Energy plant and the State of the Art Multipurpose Sugar Factory projects, each reportedly valued in excess of $Bds.500M, appear to be proceeding towards implementation without adequate information being provided to stakeholders and without a number of regulations being complied with.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT in the interest of all Barbadians, these and all other government projects must be properly analysed for environmental impact and technical and financial viability as required by the established rules of the government of Barbados and as required for good governance of the country.

Furthermore those analyses must be conducted in a transparent manner by suitably qualified persons/organisations.
We wish you and Barbados all success in the future.
With respect,
Yours faithfully,

Marina Laurie (Mrs)
Barbados Society of Technologists in Agriculture

This was delivered to :
The Rt. Hon. Freundel J Stuart
Dr the Hon. David Estwick, Minister of Agriculture
Dr the Hon. Denis Lowe, Minister of the Environment
The Hon. Christopher Sinckler, Minister of Finance

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About Andrew Stoute

Dr. Stoute obtained his PhD in Plant Biology from the University of Reading in 2009 working on photoperiodic control of flowering. He then took Post-Doctoral Researcher position at Rothamsted Research working on the developmental factors around parental regulation of seed size in oilseed rape (canola). He joined the staff of the West Indies Central Sugar Cane Breeding Station in 2011 as the Plant Geneticist, responsible for performing crosses from extensive germplasm collection to provide clients with improved sugarcane varieties. He also develops systems and programs to aid in the selection of the best parental material for those crosses.

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