The importance of food security for Barbados was recognized many years ago, especially during the Second World War when shipping was under threat and imports of food could not be relied upon. Local farmers were encouraged to increase their production of food crops and reduce the island’s reliance on overseas shipments. They responded positively and the effort successfully took Barbados safely through some difficult times. Continue reading
Agricultural Education Part II
“For your country
If you plan for a year – sow paddy
If you plan for a decade – plant trees
If you plan for the future – nurture youth”
Taken from 1992 Youth Policy Document for India
As we noted in our last column, agriculture has been defined as “the art, science and industry of managing the growth of plants and animals for human use†and agricultural science as “a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses the parts of exact, natural, economic and social sciences that are used in the practice and understanding of agricultureâ€. Continue reading
Hydroponics in Barbados
A key theme that emerges is that agriculture potentially benefits more proportionally than other sectors but also suffers more from constraints to benefiting
In the last column we promised to turn our attention to highlighting the successes which have been achieved in agriculture by a number of pro- active entrepreneurs, in spite of the constraints which exist in the agricultural industry. This week we will deal with the area of crop production. Continue reading
Importers grabbing at the shadow but may eventually lose the bone
At this time of global food shortages, much has been said about the need to ensure our food security and sovereignty. However our actions have not, in many cases, matched our words. We must realize that the total responsibility does not lie with government alone, it does not lie with supermarkets alone, it is the collective responsibility of all Barbadians. Continue reading
Do you care that in the present environment of trade liberalization, which brings stiff competition from around the world, farmers in this country are denied access to the agricultural chemicals so necessary to their competitiveness? Continue reading
Sustainability and safety – musts for Recycling Centre
What seemed to start out as a waste transfer station at Vaucluse in St Thomas, set up to feed the land fill at Greenland, has now become the Sustainable Barbados Recycling Centre Inc which was opened in early June this year. According to media reports, the Centre includes a transfer station, materials recovery and composting facilities as well as a chemical waste storage plant, and is set to become the new solid waste management nucleus for Barbados. Continue reading
Interesting Crops to Consider
In our quest to achieve food security, we should be looking, not only at replacing crops that are presently imported, but also at crops that used to be grown here but are hardly seen nowadays. We should also be considering crops that are grown elsewhere in the tropics but are not common in Barbados. Continue reading
The Importance of Information in Decision Making
Information is important to all aspects of life. With the new technologies now available, dissemination of information in a user-friendly way has been greatly facilitated. In spite of this, the general public including the agricultural community, often lack the information they need to make sensible decisions. Continue reading
Interesting Careers in Agriculture
In a previous two-part article we highlighted the fact that not many students are choosing agriculture as a career option and agricultural institutions are not attracting the “cream of the cropâ€. Continue reading
Is the Ministry of Agriculture adequate?
We would like to commend the Minister on sprucing up the entrance to the Ministry of Agriculture’s offices at Graeme Hall by replacing the well worn signage. At least the new signs inform the public that there is in fact a Ministry of Agriculture and also project a positive image, but unfortunately image is not enough. It must be supported by effective action in the interest of the agricultural industry and of the country in general. Continue reading